Sunday, Aymeric came home to give me a hand to work on the Mustang. Specifically, we wanted to fix an electrical problem and install the restored heater box.
We started with the electrical problem. Why are the rear right light, brake and turn signal not working? And why do the indicators not emit sound or light in the compartment? We thought the steering column harness was responsible for all of that. And we took it out, tested it, and isolated a bare part that could have been responsible for a false contact. It was clearly not easy to put it back in place in the sheath dedicated to this purpose. We succeeded after a lot of effort. For a ultimately very disappointing result: no improvement. After several tests, we were not able to find the root cause of the problem. So I ordered a new steering column harness. The adventure continues… on the next episode!
Regarding the heater box, I restored it several weeks ago. However, I was waiting for additional arms to position it correctly. It is now done. It remains to connect the hoses as well as the cables of the heating motor and check that the connector on passenger compartment side is still running well. Finally, we took the opportunity to change the gauges harness (which I had ordered previously) which will connect in particular to the heater motor.
In short, still a good time spent on (and under) the car.